Kevin Modany Offers Professional Tips & Tricks for Seasoned CEOs


A CEO is a well-developed professional who has been equipped with both the leadership skills and technical skills required to lead a company toward prosperity. The goal of a high-level executive is to motivate employees while challenging them to exceed standards, bringing value to the business and its stakeholders.

Kevin Modany is a seasoned CEO and executive consultant who had previously assisted BlueRock private equity in improving its overall portfolio operations. Now the Managing Director of Bluerock Partners, Modany, is seeking to share some of the leadership strategies and tips that have helped him to find success.

Leadership Tips for All CEOs

Whether an individual is new to their position or a seasoned professional with years of executive experience, Kevin Modany believes that there are a few tried-and-true leadership notes that all individuals should follow. Modany outlined a few concepts that have helped him to flourish over the years while providing guidance to those following in his steps.

Work to Engage Stakeholders

Modany urges CEOs to bring all of their key stakeholders to the table in order to better understand their motivations and needs. Modany’s suggestion for a more inclusive experience for stakeholders helps to smooth issues while maintaining a strong course of action. CEOs that focus on conversational inclusivity will have a better conversation when it comes time to look for answers.

Maintain Clear Communication

Effective communication isn’t just a suggestion, it is a necessity when it comes to high-level leadership. Exceptional CEOs are best known for their ability to swiftly and decisively make decisions, even when all details are not prevalent. Having a clear order of communication will give the team the best chance at success, facilitating solutions to both new and old problems.

Continue With Leadership Training

Finally, Kevin Modany urges his followers to focus on continuing their education even after climbing to their present position. Leadership training will evolve over time to match the needs of the evolving business landscape. By staying up-to-date on all aspects of leadership training, leaders can ensure that they are never left behind.

Find What Makes You Passionate

In order to maintain his high level of expertise, Kevin Modany had to focus on working with his passions. By cultivating an area of personal passion, Modany is able to bring his best self to every engagement. Personal passions can vary within the workplace from one CEO to the next. Some leaders will want to get their hands on every aspect of the business, while others will want to focus on bigger-picture projects. As long as passion is there, leaders can inspire and engage their teams.